

The Pumping Iron Boladrol is a very effective prohormone that converts to Bolasterone. Bolasterone is an anabolic androgenic steroid. This compound is both very anabolic and androgenic which means a serious increase in mass and strength, increased aggression/motivation in the gym and better state of mind.

The original manufacturer claims Boladrol is one of the strongest prohormones currently available. It’s been compared to Anadrol, a well known powerful anabolic compound.

  • 2mg Boladrol
  • 5mg Bioperine for improved absorption
  • Vegan-friendly (veggie caps are used for all Pumping Iron products)
  • Boladrol has progesterone receptor binding affinity
  • It is much more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone
  • Very low doses are needed for maximum effects
  • It gives results FASTER than any other prohormone
  • It gives more mass and strength gains than any other prohormone
  • It can be used in short 2 weeks cycles with great results
  • First prohormone to give noticeable aggression in the gym

The Pumping Iron Boladrol is a very effective prohormone that converts to Bolasterone. Bolasterone is an anabolic androgenic steroid. This compound is both very anabolic and androgenic which means a serious increase in mass and strength, increased aggression/motivation in the gym and better state of mind.

The original manufacturer claims Boladrol is one of the strongest prohormones currently available. It’s been compared to Anadrol, a well known powerful anabolic compound.

  • 2mg Boladrol
  • 5mg Bioperine for improved absorption
  • Vegan-friendly (veggie caps are used for all Pumping Iron products)
  • Boladrol has progesterone receptor binding affinity
  • It is much more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone
  • Very low doses are needed for maximum effects
  • It gives results FASTER than any other prohormone
  • It gives more mass and strength gains than any other prohormone
  • It can be used in short 2 weeks cycles with great results
  • First prohormone to give noticeable aggression in the gym


Boladrol prohormones contain the compound 7,17a-dimethyl-androsten-3,17-diol which is a methylated compound. It’s a diol alteration of Bolasterone (7a,17a-Dimethyltestosterone).

Users of this prohormone have reported outstanding results in both mass and strength gains. It is not out of the question to expect to gain around 5 pounds per week. On top of this, in just two weeks significant strength gains were seen, plateaus were broken, and new personal records were set.

Boladrol is a very potent compound, claimed to be about 600% as anabolic as methyl-testosterone and 300% as androgenic. The dose needed to see results is very low in comparison to other compounds.

Anecdotal evidence shows that it doesn’t cause very much bloating. While Boladrol is best used during a mass gaining phase, it can still be used during a cutting phase because it should not cause excessive bloating or fat gain.


Take for 4 weeks at 2-6mg per day. The average user should not need more than 4mg. Do not take longer than 4 weeks.

We would highly recommend using TUDCA alongside prohormones to protect your liver and organs. TUDCA works by neutralising the toxicity caused by regular bile acids in the liver. Bile acids are elevated when our liver is exposed to toxins and as they accumulate they cause ever greater stress on the liver.

We also recommend using Pumping Iron Arimistane to help combat estrogen-related side effects.

For PCT we highly recommend Pumping Iron Pro PCT.

This prohormone should only be used by athletes with prior prohormone or steroid experience, and precautions should be taken to reduce the side effects experienced with this potent compound.


Yes, PCT and Liver Support is vital for any prohormone cycle. We recommend our Essential Cycle Support stack alongside a SERM (such as Tamoxifen). We highly recommended that you are familiar and prepared with your PCT protocol after completing your cycle, if not, please see our Guide To PCT (Post Cycle Therapy).


Pumping Iron Boladrol produces wet gains: a ‘wet’ compound has greater potential for size and strength gains than ‘dry’ compounds but will retain water/bloat. Given a proper PCT protocol, many bodybuilders will find the benefits worth the cost.


All of these great results also come with potential side effects. Boladrol is dimethylated and is rumoured to be more liver toxic than Superdrol.

The low doses will help lessen this effect to some degree but liver toxicity is still a big issue and this limits cycle length to no longer than 4 weeks.

Boladrol should never be stacked with other methylated steroids or prohormones and liver support should absolutely be used before, during, and after a cycle.

Boladrol is also very androgenic. While it is a possibility that the C-7 methyl group may decrease 5a reduction, Boladrol is still several times more androgenic than methyl-testosterone and can cause androgenic side effects such as hair loss and acne.