Capsules – Andarine (S-4)


Narrows Labs Andarine (S-4) contains 25mg per capsule and 60 capsules per tub. S-4 can significantly increase levels of lean muscle mass while reducing body fat levels and increasing vascularity, to give the ‘chiselled’, sharp look all bodybuilders seek to achieve. It really shows its efficacy during cutting phases, with users able to still put on mass despite being in a calorie deficit thus exhibiting similar, if not better, effects than steroids such as Anavar. However, it can also provide a major boost while in a bulking phase, to truly accelerate muscle gains while mitigating fat gain. Thus, if you are a bodybuilder wanting to sculpt a world-class physique, this is your ultimate SARM.

Narrows Labs Andarine (S-4) contains 25mg per capsule and 60 capsules per tub. S-4 is a potent SARM that can significantly increase levels of lean muscle mass while reducing body fat levels and increasing vascularity, to give the ‘chiselled’, sharp look all bodybuilders seek to achieve.

  • 25mg x 60 capsules
  • Potent hardening agent for maximum definition
  • S-4 is one of the most researched SARMs in the industry
  • Increases lean muscle mass gain
  • Preserves lean muscle during a dieting phase
  • Increases oxidation of fatty tissue
  • Doesn’t cause liver damage
  • No aromatization


Initially developed in order to combat conditions such as Osteoporosis or as prevention for muscle wastage, S-4 is one of the most researched SARMs at present. However, it has recently been shown to yield surprising results in clinical trials on male rats: it not only increased muscle mass and calcium production for increased bone density but it did so in a selective manner.

When applied to humans, this means it is able to selectively stimulate anabolic activity: allowing the user to mostly surpass any of the nasty side effects associated with products of similar potency.

S4 is described as an Androgen Receptor (AR) agonist. This means that it has a significant affinity/potency for binding to the AR in order to stimulate the production of useful genes, for example, the anabolic genes that benefit muscle growth. Going even further, S4 is also capable of desensitizing the AR to natural testosterone supplies, meaning the effect of taking S4 is increased even further.


Narrows Labs S-4 is a highly versatile and exciting SARM that is able to selectively generate anabolic activity in the human body while increasing the oxidization of fatty tissues. Put simply, this means the creation of lean muscle tissue while simultaneously reducing body fat – with certain studies showing that individuals were able to put on 3lbs of muscle tissue while in a calorie deficit.

The selective generation ability of S4 also means it does not cause liver damage or gynecomastia – both common amongst SARMs users. S-4 was described as the ideal SARM due to its single-day dosing, coupled with complete oral bioavailability and significant anabolic muscle and bone effects.

Added to this, it shows 0% chance of aromatization in the period post-cycle, thus mitigating against increases in feminine characteristics. If you are looking for a SARM that can bring unrivalled aesthetic improvements, Andarine is one you sure don’t want to miss out on!


Narrows Labs Andarine really shows its efficacy during cutting phases, with users able to still put on mass despite being in a calorie deficit thus exhibiting similar, if not better, effects than steroids such as Anavar. However, it can also provide a major boost while in a bulking phase, to truly accelerate muscle gains while mitigating fat gain. Thus, if you are a bodybuilder wanting to sculpt a world-class physique, this is your ultimate SARM.


Thanks to its selective nature S4 does not cause gynecomastia or liver damage and causes very minimal growth on secondary sexual organs (eg. prostate). It also exhibits:

  • 0% chance of aromatization and no rise in female characteristics during the post-cycle period
  • Larger increases in muscle mass than DHT
  • An ability to be used by females without excessive masculine features
  • No heart enlargement or damage to organs
  • No diminishing of testosterone during the post-cycle period


Narrows Labs Andarine can be used in both cutting and bulking phases. For dieting, it can grant muscular gains even while in a prolonged calorie deficit a state highly sought after yet difficult to attain, promoting improved vascularity and a ‘harder’ appearance. While for bulking, it can supercharge your muscle development to optimize your training and diet to get exceptional results.


Both males and females can use Narrows Labs S-4 as it is both non-aromatizing (for men) and does not cause excessively masculine features in female users.