

Pumping Iron Terminator is a blend of two powerful bulking SARMS RAD-140 and YK-11. Both compounds are dry and produce lean, vascular, and dry gains, however, it is highly recommended to supplement with high-quality joint support to avoid drying out the joints.

  • 60 Capsules
  • RAD-140 – 10mg per capsule
  • YK-11 – 5mg per capsule
  • More anabolic than testosterone
  • Improves libido and sexual performance
  • Extreme muscle growth and size
  • Reduced body fat
  • Rapid muscle recovery
  • A safer alternative to anabolic steroids
  • YK-11 enhances muscle mass via myostatin inhibition
  • No hepatoxicity
  • Rapid results
  • FULL PCT required
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Pumping Iron Terminator is a blend of two highly potent SARMS RAD-140 and YK-11. Both compounds are dry and therefore produce very lean and vascular gains. For this reason, it is highly recommended to supplement with high-quality joint support to avoid drying out the joints.

  • 60 Capsules
  • RAD-140 – 10mg per capsule
  • YK-11 – 5mg per capsule
  • More anabolic than testosterone
  • Improves libido and sexual performance
  • Extreme muscle growth and size
  • Reduced body fat
  • Rapid muscle recovery
  • A safer alternative to anabolic steroids
  • YK-11 enhances muscle mass via myostatin inhibition
  • No hepatoxicity
  • Rapid results
  • FULL PCT required


YK-11 in Pumping Iron Terminator

YK-11 is a steroidal SARM and myostatin inhibitor that has gained its reputation due to its potency. YK-11 produces extreme size and strength gains rapidly with no water retention.

Bodybuilders have experimented with YK11 in both bulking and cutting. Allegedly, YK11 is useful in bulking because it builds a lot of lean muscle in a short amount of time. Others have taken advantage of YK11’s ability to burn fat and harden muscles by using it in cutting cycles.

YK11 is made by directly altering the chemical structure of DHT. In contrast, all other SARMs have a nonsteroidal structure. YK11 and SARMs work differently in the body and may have different side effects.

RAD-140 in Pumping Iron Terminator

RAD-140 is more anabolic than testosterone with a powerful 90:1 anabolic to androgenic ratio. Enhanced Athlete RAD-140 will enhance lean muscle mass, send your strength higher while enhancing physical endurance and recovery very quickly.

Although studies of RAD140 are currently limited, the evidence that has been gathered is very promising. One study performed on monkeys examined its effect on muscle growth with significant results that showed considerable increases in lean muscle mass after only 28 days.

The good news is that unlike testosterone, testolone is not aromatized or converted into DHT. It also won’t bind to androgen receptors in the prostate or the liver. It’s not known what causes RAD-140 to be so selective, but it’s a moot point as the results speak for themselves.

With RAD-140 you get all the muscle building effects without the androgenic side effects such as male pattern baldness or increased aggression. If you want a guaranteed increase in both mass and strength, Enhanced Athlete RAD-140 looks to be a highly promising option and more potent than anything else out there with the exception of the stronger prohormones.


Pumping Iron Terminator is best used when looking to add quality muscle and improve your strength in the gym. It’s ideal for when on a bulking cycle and should be supported with the correct diet.

Designed for healthy male athletes, we recommend only experienced trainers and only men over the age of 21.

RAD-140 and YK-11 are potent compounds and suppressive to the HPTA so, a FULL post cycle therapy is recommended.

Only experienced researchers with good knowledge of correct post-cycle therapy (PCT) should consider this product.


YK-11 has a half-life of 6-10 hours and RAD-140 has a half-life of 15-20 hours, so the ideal dosing strategy for Pumping Iron Terminator is to split each daily dose into two.


All information on Pumping Iron Store is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This product is sold for research purposes only. This product is NOT a supplement and is not for human consumption. By purchasing from this site, you are agreeing to use this compound for research purposes only.